About Us
Our Vision is a prosperous and thriving Westside Community where everyone can reach their full potential.
We formed in 2022 to focus our efforts on lifelong learning and education, which ensures all young people, regardless of background or ability, are set up for success, and can reach their full potential. We bring experts together with funders and other stakeholders throughout
the West side to achieve social, behavioral, and sustainable community change. UNITY37 Coalition takes a cross-sector systemic approach to lifelong learning. This approach is based on basic tenets of collective impact.
Collective impact is the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem at scale. We believe in the proven power of a collective approach as we continue to bring together community stakeholders. We want to build a network for access to vital resources and education for the West side and we encourage you to join our effort. Your organization can be part of UNITY37 Coalition’s steering committee or participate as a member of our workgroups to accomplish our work.
We invite you to find out more about UNITY37 Coalition and how you can be part of this important initiative to enhance the well-being of our community and in doing so improve the lives of West side families.